Tag: Personal Growth

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Root your life in Christ to transform challenges into opportunities for spiritual growth.

As Christians, we often face struggles that test our faith—whether in spiritual growth, finances, or the pressures of living a holy life in an increasingly chaotic world. These challenges can feel overwhelming, but they are opportunities, given by God, to deepen our reliance on Him and strengthen our walk. Below, I’ve depicted a graph to help illustrate a useful way to visualize how this progression flows.

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Lova As An Action

Love in Action: Moving Beyond Words to True Expression

Most people understand love as a word, but how often do we consider love as an action? Interestingly, love has become hard to understand. In our modern age, love has been made into an intellectual concept—something to be analyzed rather than lived. We, as believers,

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Divine Favor Before Preperation

Divine Favor Before Preparation

What if God gave you something before you where ready for it? Imagine receiving a profound gift or responsibility from God before you were fully prepared to handle it. Can you imagine how it would affect others, or even the results that would come from you being unable to sustain that new position of leadership or financial blessing?

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Seeking Purpose

Seeking Purpose Without Knowing What Purpose Is

Do you feel lost in your quest to find a path in life that is filled with purpose and meaning? In today’s world, much of modern purpose-seeking is devoid of true spiritual substance. Or any substance at all. Every Guru has one method, or book, that will put you on the right track, leaving many in the run of the ever-consuming quest for purpose.

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