Divine Favor Before Preparation

Divine Favor Before Preperation
Picture of Kaleb Nation

Kaleb Nation

Lead Director

What if God gave you something before you were ready for it? Imagine receiving a profound gift or responsibility from God before you were fully prepared to handle it. Can you imagine how it would affect others or even the results that would come from you being unable to sustain that new position of leadership or financial blessing? Such a scenario could lead to various outcomes, from overwhelming success to utter failure, depending on one’s readiness and spiritual maturity. This question I pose challenges us to reflect on our preparedness and trust in God’s perfect timing for what we desire. Are we willing to wait to receive that blessing until we are spiritually mature enough to do so? In this writing, I invite you to consider the importance of spiritual maturity in managing the responsibilities He has in store for you.

"At this point in time, know that everything your going through, could be a result of you're prayers, and you being prepared for that thing you desire."

The Importance of Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity is essential in pursuing our calling, ensuring we are prepared to receive and handle His blessings and responsibilities with His wisdom and grace. I imply, His wisdom, in the prior sentence for the core reason of putting pressure on the fact that we cannot deal, manage, or handle God’s calling with our wisdom. In essence, if we are not fully mature spiritually, the fruit of our work will result in fleshly outcomes and not achieve the results God desires to achieve from the blessing received.
Problems with Divine Favor Before Preparation

What happens if we are spiritually ready to receive that thing?

When we are spiritually ready, we are attuned to God’s voice, aligned with His will, and equipped with the maturity needed to steward His gifts effectively (James 1:5). It is key to be equipped with the spiritual gifts to handle God’s calling. The core of this readiness, I believe, comes from a deep and consistent relationship with God, fostered through prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17), meditation on His Word (Psalm 1:2), and active participation in a community of believers (Hebrews 10:24-25). Without spiritual maturity, we risk squandering the blessings and opportunities God places before us. This is a primary reason many blessings are kept from us. Instead of blessing us and others, we mishandle and squander the opportunity.

How do we further prepare ourselves for the call?

Now, you might ask yourself what you can do to grow spiritually. Maybe you desire to become the person you need to be to receive that thing you desire. Have you ever heard, “You don’t have to get ready if you stay ready?” Just as a farmer prepares the soil before planting seeds (Matthew 13:8), we must ask the Holy Spirit to cultivate our hearts and minds to be receptive to God’s work in our lives. God and the many spiritual tools he has given us are the keys to growing into that spiritually mature person. Along the way, we will learn to trust in God’s perfect timing, understanding that He prepares us not only for the blessings but also for the responsibilities and challenges that come with them (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Ultimately, spiritual maturity is about being in a state of continuous growth and surrender, allowing God to mold us into vessels fit for His use and glory (2 Timothy 2:21).
I hope to have called your attention to how being spiritually mature is crucial in our journey of receiving and handling God’s blessings and responsibilities. I hope this can help you in times of uncertainty, as God tests your patience and builds your character in the times of the unknown. It’s about aligning ourselves with His will, being attuned to His voice, and equipped with the wisdom and grace needed to steward His gifts effectively. To grow spiritually, we must cultivate our hearts and minds through prayer, meditation on His Word, and active participation in a community of believers, trusting in God’s perfect timing and allowing Him to mold us into vessels fit for His use.